Celebrating our heritage by supporting local business Celebrating our heritage by supporting local business
Celebrating Heritage Month reminds us of the importance of supporting local businesses and the positive impact this has on our economy. Buying local keeps... Celebrating our heritage by supporting local business

Celebrating Heritage Month reminds us of the importance of supporting local businesses and the positive impact this has on our economy.

Buying local keeps our South African Rands in the country, as not only are these businesses supported, but they often buy from other local businesses, suppliers and farms.

Financially speaking, these businesses can benefit from sound accounting practices and software that enable them to manage their finances and grow.

Gary Epstein, MD of EasyBiz Technologies, the authorised partner of QuickBooks Online accounting in South Africa, discusses how local businesses can benefit from utilising online accounting software to manage their finances successfully and grow their operations.

When local businesses invest in online accounting software, it ensures that their accounting and financial information is accurate, up to date, and readily available, making it easier for these businesses to manage cash flow and be alerted to financial concerns timeously.

An effective accounting system stimulates growth, helps to generate a profit, creates job opportunities, and ultimately boosts the economy.

“EasyBiz is a major provider of online Accounting software and related services, and is happy to see how QuickBooks Accounting Software is benefiting South African businesses” Epstein adds. 

Non-profit organisations need support, too, and generally receive this support from local businesses. It’s also important for them to utilise accounting software to keep track of their finances.

EasyBiz previously donated the desktop version of QuickBooks to NPOs or charged a reduced rate.

Now that QuickBooks has migrated to online-only, which is based on a monthly subscription, EasyBiz is considering options to assist NPOs to still have the benefit of the software at a lower rate.

Local businesses do a lot to give character to the communities in which we live, and they play a large part in creating community satisfaction and raising the value of properties in the area.

They also generate prosperity for the area and provide much-needed jobs. It is therefore imperative to support local enterprises as much as possible.

Many new jobs are provided by local businesses.

In fact, small local businesses are the largest employers nationally.

In addition to this, the more jobs provided in the local community, the less commuting is necessary, so traffic is reduced along with pollution. It also means more time for families to spend together.

Heritage Month is a good time to celebrate the value of the local business in our communities.

Epstein says: “We value the contribution that local business makes and are always happy to support and provide financial assistance where necessary.

“QuickBooks Online can be used by micro, small, medium and large enterprises. It’s easy to use, and it encourages business-owners to be self-sufficient and independent while providing their valuable services and supporting other local businesses.”

Starting and growing a business is challenging. EasyBiz started with a team of five in 2004, so the company is well aware of what it takes to build a business from scratch.

“That’s why we share our insights with our clients through our accounting software and the support and client service we offer.

“EasyBiz is passionate about providing the best service and customer support and has become known for this,” says Epstein.

Local businesses are beneficial to communities in many ways and are responsible for job-creation and stimulating the country’s economy.

However, it requires support from the very communities it serves, and from the country. This Heritage Month, let’s be sure to get behind the local business and celebrate the significant contribution it makes.


Antoinette Panton

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